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Tips, Inspiration, & Resources

Believe in yourself. Surrender to your characters. Nothing is a dogma. And more.

I'm delighted to have been interviewed by the lovely and prolific fellow author and editor Christina Boyd of The Quill Ink, a wonderful site whose blog is packed with advice and insights for authors, and much more.



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It's a great opportunity for us to get to know each other and see if we are a good match, as well as a chance for you to gain awareness of how to capitalize on the strengths of your work and address its challenges. Read More 

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7 Myths About Novelists

[Image courtesy of The British Library, from The Novels of Captain Marryat, page 208]

Let's bust up the seven biggest myths about novelists. If you're a novelist, an aspiring novelist, a devourer of novels, or all of the above, may the following illuminate, encourage, and inspire you.


I spent much of my life buying into all those "Truths" about novelists. Some of them were assumptions I made over a lifetime of reading novels, and others I picked up from various books and blogs on writing.


When I started writing, I figured that if I didn't fit into one of those so-called Truths I'd read about, there had to be something wrong with me. It took me a long time to realize that it wasn't a question of right or wrong; rather it's that what works for another novelist might not work for me, and vice versa. Read More 

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